Monday, September 9, 2013

How To Disable Error Reporting in Windows XP


The error reporting feature in Windows is turned on by default but you may want to disable error reporting to improve windows performance

Windows Error Reporting is a crash reporting technology introduced by Microsoft with Windows XP and included in later Windows versions and Windows Mobile 5.0 and 6.0. Windows Error Reporting collects and offers to send post-error debug information using the Internet to the developer of an application that crashes or stops responding on a user's desktop. No data is sent without the user's consent. When a report reaches the Microsoft server, it is analyzed and a solution is sent back to the user when one is available (which hardly helps the user!!). Solutions are served using Windows Error Reporting Responses. 

Windows Error Reporting runs as a Windows service and can optionally be entirely disabled without any problem to improve windows performance.

Steps of Disabling Error Reporting:

1. Open The System Properties window.

Method A: Right click on My Computer on desktop, then click Properties. The System Properties window will open.

Method B: (For category view of Control Panel)
i) Click on Start and then Control Panel.
ii) Click on the Performance and Maintenance link.
iii) Under the "or pick a Control Panel icon" section, click on the System link.
The System Properties window will open.
Method C: (For classic view of Control Panel)
i) Click on Start and then Control Panel.
ii) Double-click on the System icon.
The System Properties window will open.

2. In the System Properties window, click on the Advanced tab. ( Red arrow on the image)
System Properties

3. Near the bottom of the window, click on the Error Reporting button. ( Red arrow on the image)

Disable Error Reporting

4. In the Error Reporting window, choose the Disable error reporting radio button (I would recommend leaving the But notify me when critical errors occur check box checked. You probably still want Windows XP to notify you about the error, just not Microsoft).

5. Click the OK button on the Error Reporting window.

6. Click the OK button on the System Properties window.


Sunday, September 8, 2013

IDM (Internet Download Manager) information backup while operating system upgrade or change


Sometimes we plan to reinstall Operating System of our PC or laptop or plan to change

computer and want to transfer the current IDM settings and download list to the new

PC or laptop.


To transfer the old/current IDM settings and sownload list you have to do the


A. Setup the temp directory for IDM

1. Open IDM, Open "Options -> Save To" dialog ("Options -> Downloads" for old versions)

and look what folder is set in "Temporary directory" field (red arrow on the image).

Save this folder somewhere in order to use it later.


2. Do the same for each category download folder ( eg: General, Compressed,

Documents, Music, Programs, Video) to save the completed downloads. To see path for

each category folder select them in "Category" list box (red arrows on the image).


(Please note that by default "Application Data" folder ("AppData" for Windows 7) is

hidden. Show hidden files to show these folders.)

B. Export the registry file

1. Go to "Start ->run" and type "regedit".
2. Find "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DownloadManager" registry key
3. Right click & click "Export" to save it.

IDM Registry

C. Restore the registry file & directories on new PC/laptop or operating system.

1. After Operating System reinstall or on a new computer, import registry key that

you have saved.

2. Then copy IDM temporary folder and all category download folders under same paths

that they had on initial system.

3. Then run IDM. If you done everything correct, IDM will use your old settings. You

should see a list of your downloads and be able to resume unfinished downloads.

Happy Downloading........:)

Monday, July 8, 2013

34 BCS Preli MCQ Exam Result |

The 34th BCS Preli MCQ Exam Result had published on 08.07.2013 at 5 PM.

For your earliest convenience, I have provided the mediafire download link. BCS exam is under the Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC). The Preliminary Exam was taken on May 24, 2013. I have already published the 34th BCS Preliminary Question Solve before.

DOWNLOAD 34th BCS Preli MCQ Exam Result

The candidates who were eagerly waiting for the 34th BCS Preli MCQ Exam result, will not able to visit the site due to huge traffic. So I am going to upload the result for your convenience.

The Problem with the BPSC Server that they Host their file on their own server and cannot maintain the huge load of visitor when suddenly a huge visitor hit the site. So I decided to upload the result as PDF in, So I think, you will not face any difficulty to download the 34 BCS preli exam result as a PDF file.

Advance Congratulation for the Examines who will pass the barrier of MCQ Exam.

NB: BPSC published corrected result of the 34th BCS Preli MCQ Exam on 14 July 2013.

:) :) :)

Friday, May 24, 2013

34th BCS Preliminary Examination Question and Answer [Solved]

34 BCS Preli Question Answer Solve
34th BCS Preliminary Exam Question and Answer [Solved]
34 BCS Preli Exam has been just over. 34 BCS Preli Question and answer is the most wanted matter to the 34th BCS preli examinees.

In 34th BCS, there are the highest number of examinees in the history of BCS exam. Total seat for 34th BCS is 2052. The 34th BCS Preliminary Circular was published in 7th February. See the 34th BCS Circular on

Here I have uploaded the 34 BCS preliminary question solves in a pdf file with mediafire link. There may be many wrong answers as I am also a BCS preliminary applicant.

I was in a hurry to post the questions and answers of 34th BCS preliminary MCQ exam as early as possible.

However finally I have uploaded the questions and answers of 34th BCS preliminary examimation. If you find some wrong answer please let me know here in the comments section below.

DOWNLOAD 34th BCS Preliminary Exam Question and Answer

If asked for any password please give ""

Please leave your comment regarding confusing questions and answers in the comments section below.

Best of luck for you all..............:)

Monday, April 29, 2013

Tips and Tricks: How to Use Windows Notepad as Digital Diary


Notepad is a basic application used for various purposes like writing notes, creating an HTML designed file etc. But many users actually don't know that it can also be used a digital diary for to write daily/hourly schedules or other activities with date and time inserted automatically.

Here is a simple trick for you guys to turn your simple windows notepad application into a simple digital everyday diary.

Here you will learn to use notepad as Digital diary or a log book to keep a record of your daily work instead of using pen and paper.

How to Use:

1. Open the Notepad.


 2. Type .LOG (in capital Letters) and press enter.

Digital Diary

3. Save the Notepad file with any name of your choice.
4. After saving it, Close the Notepad and open it again. Now you can see the current date and time being inserted automatically after the .LOG line.

Now write your daily/hourly activities easily. To bring the current date and time just press F5.

Happy writing.......:)

Sunday, April 28, 2013

How To Determine Computer 32 Bit or 64 Bit


Very often you have to decide whether your computer system is 32-bit or 64-bit. Most computers currently are 32-bit machines and their processors can handle 32 bits of data at a time. On a Windows operating system, you can determine whether your computer is 32-bit or 64-bit very easily.

How To Determine:

1. Open the System Information

Click on Start menu -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Information

Computer 32 Bit or 64 Bit

2. Look in the System Summary

After opening System Information, it will show the "System Summary". The System Information tool will display detailed information about your Windows operating system under the System Summary section. System Summary is an overview of your computer and operating system.

System Information

3. Look for the System Type Item

On the right hand side of the window you will see a list of items. Look for the item called "System Type". The value of this item will tell you whether your computer is 32-bit or 64-bit: 
x86-based PC: It’s a 32-bit computer.
x64-based PC: It’s a 64-bit computer.

Happy Computing...............:)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Rana Plaza Savar Collapse, Help needed. সাভারে রানা প্লজা ভবন ধস - রক্ত, সাহায্য প্রয়োজন

80 dead, 800 hurt in Savar high-rise collapse, immediate blood, help needed.

সাভারে ভবন ধসে ব্যাপক প্রাণহানিতে শোক প্রকাশ করতেছি,

কথা না বাড়িয়ে  আপনারা নিশ্চয় জানেন সাভারের হাসপাতাল বা ক্লিনিকে প্রচুর রক্ত রক্ত প্রয়োজন , তাই আপনি আপনার ওয়েবসাইট , ফেসবুক বা টুইটারে নিচের ছবি লেখাটি শেয়ার করে বন্ধুদের রক্ত দিতে উৎসাহিত করুন ।

"দয়া করে সবাই যার যার প্রোফাইলে শেয়ার করুন । "

সাভারে আহত শ্রমিকদের জন্য রক্তের প্রয়োজন। আশেপাশে যারা আছেন, তাঁরা দয়াকরে এগিয়ে আসুন। জাহাঙ্গীরনগর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, সাভার লোক প্রশাসন ট্রেনিং সেন্টার সহ যেসব জায়গায় আমার আপনার বন্ধুরা আছেন, তাঁদেরকে অনুরোধ করুন। এনাম মেডিকেল সহ আশেপাশের হাসপাতালগুলোতে শতশত শ্রমিককে ভর্তি করা হয়েছে, দয়াকরে রক্তদানে এগিয়ে আসুন।

এনাম মেডিকেল

Monday, April 22, 2013

How to Save | View | Copy | Recover | backup Skype Chat History | Folder | Location for Windows XP | Windows 7 | Windows Vista | MAC OS X

If you want to  backup your Skype chat history, you have to copy the whole contents of your Skype account folder to a backup location.

Where the Skype chat history actually stored on Hard disc?

Your chat conversations on Skype are stored in your computer in a folder that has the same name as your ‘Skype Name’, the location of which depends upon the operating system you are using.

Your Skype chat history is stored in your Skype account folder at the following location for the specific operating system you are using.

Also Note that the below locations are based on the operating system having been installed on the C drive. This may be different in your case. The “[USER NAME]” needs to be replaced with your OS user name, and the “[Skype Name]” needs to be replaced with your Skype Name. Your Skype Name can be found by opening Skype and selecting ‘Skype’ -> ‘Profile’ -> ‘Edit Your Profile’ and reviewing the display on the right hand side.

Windows 7

On a Windows 7 Operating system, the location of a Skype account folder is:
C:\Users\[USER NAME]\AppData\Roaming\Skype\[Skype Name]\

Windows Vista

On a Windows Vista Operating System, the location of a Skype account folder is:
C:\Documents and Settings\[USER NAME]\Application Data\Skype\Skype Name]

Windows XP

On a Windows XP Operating System, the location of a Skype account folder is:
C:\Documents and Settings\[USER NAME]\Application Data\Skype\Skype Name]


On an Apple MAC Operating System, the location of a Skype account folder is:
Library/Application Support/Skype/[Skype Name]

How to backup the Skype account folder?

When you have located your "Skype account folder", copy and paste it to a backup location of your choice. If you backup your Skype account folder in this way, that represents a complete backup of your account.

How to restore the Skype account folder to a new Operating system/new PC?

Just copy the "Skype account folder" you have backed up earlier and paste the folder to the specific location (from above location guideline) of your specific operating system.

Have nice chats.............:)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

33 BCS Written Result Download –

Hello guys, The 33 BCS Written Result has published. BPSC known as the Bangladesh Public Service Commission has published the written Exam result of Different Categories. The candidates who were eagerly waiting for the Written Result cannot able to visit site due to huge traffic. So I am thereby uploading the result for your convenience.

33 BCS Written Result Download

The Problem with the BPSC Server that they Host their file in their own server and cannot maintain the huge load of visitor when sudden a huge visitor hit the site. So I decided to upload the result as PDF in, So I think, you will not face any difficulty to download the 33 BCS written result PDF file.

Advance Congratulation for the Examines who will pass the barrier of Written Exam.

:) :) :)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Solution of "Power Calibration Error" while burning a CD/DVD disc


Sometimes you try to write your favourite movies or mp3 songs on a CD/DVD disc, but your writer suddenly shows to you a message like this-

Power Calibration Error
Burn Process failed at 16x 2,400 KB/s

Power Calibration Error, Medium Speed Error
Power Calibration Error

Then surely the mental condition of your mind is out of control.


There could be several possible causes and solutions for the above error, usually what is happening is, for some cause the CD/DVD writing program is not able to figure out the The Optimum Power Calibration rate (a small pre burn test that determines the optimal laser power for burning), resulting in a writing failure. There is no simple way to figure out the real cause, so try all the solution step by step (easy to hard) and see what works for you.


There are some solutions for this problem. Lets see which suits for you best.

1. Most common cause of such error is cheap blank media, so try to use different brands of quality blank media.

2. Try to burn at lower speed (Most effective).

3. Disable the IMAPI Service (Work's mostly): 

  • Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services .
  • Search for "IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service", 
  • Right-click and select properties.
  • Change Startup Type to Disabled.

Power Calibration Error, Medium Speed Error
Power Calibration Error
  • Click Apply and Reboot.

4. Try to update or change your CD\DVD writing software to the latest version.

5. Try to upgrade your burner's firmware.

6. If all the above measures fail, then the problem is definitely related to hardware and not to software, So, get your writer laser lens cleaned by a expert person.

7. If all the above measures fail, then the CD/DVD drive's laser might have died and you need to replace it. So, try to replace it.


Be always happy. Thanks for reading this post. If it help you to solve your problem then my efforts will be successful. Thanks again.