For your earliest convenience, I have provided the mediafire download link. BCS exam is under the Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC). The Preliminary Exam was taken on May 24, 2013. I have already published the 34th BCS Preliminary Question Solve before.
DOWNLOAD 34th BCS Preli MCQ Exam Result
The candidates who were eagerly waiting for the 34th BCS Preli MCQ Exam result, will not able to visit the site due to huge traffic. So I am going to upload the result for your convenience.
The Problem with the BPSC Server that they Host their file on their own server and cannot maintain the huge load of visitor when suddenly a huge visitor hit the site. So I decided to upload the result as PDF in, So I think, you will not face any difficulty to download the 34 BCS preli exam result as a PDF file.
Advance Congratulation for the Examines who will pass the barrier of MCQ Exam.
NB: BPSC published corrected result of the 34th BCS Preli MCQ Exam on 14 July 2013.
:) :) :)